Merit Integrated Logistics Platform
About Merit Logistics
Merit Logistics is a logistics company that services warehouses and distribution centers. They provide warehouse, sanitation, security, and fleet detailing services to their clients, including several Fortune 500 companies.
Their Challenge
Merit Logistics offers a wide variety of services and serves clients across a range of different industries. Due to the complexity of the work, a robust backend system is critical for client and task management.
Our Solution
Merit previously hired a different development firm to build their backend system. However, after the initial build of the system, they decided to find a new company to take over the project and more aptly handle their needs. That’s where Saritasa came in! Our team has worked on plenty of code/project takeovers. Due to our experience with transitioning these types of projects, Merit was able to put trust in our team to get the job done.

Our Approach
What Saritasa Did
Code Takeover
When Merit came to us, they already had the base of the system developed. We ended up working off the original codebase and redeveloping the entire system over the years.
Backend Development
Our team developed the system using .NET and Angular. The system handles work orders, calculates costs, tracks when employees clock in and out, and generates invoices for their clients. It tracks all the different types of activities that the workers do, from loading and unloading, picking up orders, managing inventory, and more.
Facial Recognition
The system also integrated with facial recognition hardware at the entrance to the facilities. Employees scan their faces when they clock in and scan again when they clock out. The facial recognition eliminates any tracking errors that may come from dated employee cards and keeps time records down to the minute.
3rd Party Integration
The system integrates directly with Merit’s CRM system, SAP, for the rest of the business and back house operations.