Saritasa is a full source Mobile App, Web, AR/VR, Software, Systems Architect, and DevOps Solutions provider. We efficiently implement complex technologies’ through design, development, and maintenance.
Our client’s success drives our success. This pushes us to constantly exceed expectations. Thanks to our commitment to empowering businesses with technology, we’ve been officially selected as the most-reviewed global software development company by The Manifest. The Manifest Global Awards honor the top 15 companies that received the most Clutch reviews in the past 12 months. Saritasa is honored to be ranked among the Top 15 most-reviewed companies thanks to our client’s success.

The Manifest is a business news and how-to site that compiles and analyzes practical business wisdom for innovators, entrepreneurs, and small and mid-market businesses.
Success Through Honoring Our Mission
Since our establishment in 2005, our vision has been to become a respected technology solutions consulting company based on a solid team of passionate and expert technologists. Our mission is to empower businesses and people with technology. We believe that all businesses need technology to thrive, remain competitive, and grow. Throughout the years, our love of technology has kept us learning, motivated, and excited about our work.
A recent client personifies this mission perfectly. We worked with Allstar Consulting Group, an elevator and escalator inspection company, on a custom software development project. Allstar is not a technology company. For years they’ve relied on physical paper reports and an off-the-shelf SaaS product, but felt limited by the rigid workflows forced by a one-size-fits-all solution. They wanted to create software customized to their business but didn’t know how. When they reached out to us, we helped guide them through the ins and outs of building a custom workflow tool. We developed a custom software system based on AWS with automatic checks and balances of redundancy in information and automation features.
“My relationship with Saritasa now is very intimate, and we’re in constant communication whenever we want; I couldn’t ask for anything better.” – Michael Kusnir, COO, Allstar Consulting Group
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The whole team at Saritasa would like to express how much we value all our clients and partners. The reviews they’ve written mean so much to us and will help us establish our name in the industry.
Are you ready to start something great? Give us a call, and we can discuss how we can help your business grow.
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